Respect and value for local knowledge and innovations
Respect and value for local knowledge and innovations
Professional, effective and informed by relevant science
Creative, flexible and innovative
Value for quality, equality and ethics
Oman Agri-Fertilizer Co. LLC was established in 1996, as a leading manufacturer of high-quality organic fertilizers, bio-fertilizers and other soil conditioning products. The company has emerged as a major contributor to the development of Oman’s agriculture sector.
Oman Agri company operates through an integrated system based on the structure of administrative and technical competencies has the highest in this field and through cooperation with many, Italian, and Japanese agencies and institutions.
To provide Environment-Friendly Products totally safe for Crop, Land, Environment & thus Human Beings
Our products are served to the farmer, growers, corporate farms and many more for various types of customers.
AL-Mukhasib is the resultant material from the composting process from the various plant after shredding & cow manure as treatment done during fermentation then maturation process.
Super is the resultant material from the composting process from the various plant after shredding & chicken manure as treatment done during fermentation for plants and soil.
Al Mohassin is natural source of calcium and sulfur for plant nutrition, both of which are secondary macro nutrients PLUS organic matter, improve the growing conditions for plants.
Agro-Land Are an all-natural way to supply an abundance of minerals and vitamins to your plants, whether you are growing, vegetables, fruits, roses also increases root development.
Al Batinah compost (Dobul) is organic matter that has been decomposed from plant waste it is rich in nutrients specifically in humic and volvic acid.
AL-Mukhasib is the resultant material from the composting process from the various plant after shredding & cow manure as treatment done during fermentation then maturation process.